Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 65 - What attitude?

At church yesterday this question was asked, "What attitude is holding you back from being used by God?" I sat for a while and really thought about it. What part of me is holding myself back from being more available to others? From being approachable, trustworthy, empathetic, and also a light for God? I jotted down that I talk too much, I don't listen enough, I need to hold my tongue more, and I need to be more humble. Sometimes I think I try to gulp up the whole room because I love to share, talk, and give my ideas and opinions.  I also love to tell stories and use my sarcasm for laughs. How can God use me if I am so busy doing everything but listening? If I am not humble enough? If I miss the signs that He is giving me to lead others? I simply can't. And yet, by really critiquing myself and taking the time to see what I lack also gives me so much hope that I can change, grow, and start to be a light. That I can be aware of my tongue, of my joy in story-telling, and of my need to be humble, and I can move forward and change in ways that will prepare me to make a difference.

And so I ask you now, what attitude is holding you back from being used by God?


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