Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 262 - Days

Last week my son had a bad day. I'm sure his whole day wasn't bad, but once he got home from school it went down hill. There was frustration, tears, loud words, and definitely a seven-year-old temper tantrum. He lost it, I lost it, his dad lost it, and by bedtime it was just a sloppy mess.

As I was getting my kids ready for bed, I felt like I needed to pray with them. We vary our prayers from dinner to nighttime. That night I felt the need to speak to my son through prayer because I didn't know how else to reach him. He was a crying mess. I prayed for our family, for God to help us with bad days, and for reminders that we get to start all over in the morning. I told him that Jesus loves us no matter what and that everyone has not-so-good days. When I was done, my son said, "Mom, thank you for the prayer and for saying that we all have bad days. I love you." And he wiped his tears away and went to sleep, with his sniffles melting away.

While I hold a firm line between being naughty and good, some days are just simply bad ones. Some situations just need peace. When our tears are too many to see and we can't pull out of our feelings, we all deserve a reminder that we get a do-over and that Jesus loves us no matter what.

Sometimes as adults we need to pray and remind ourselves the same things.


1 comment:

  1. So, so sweet! You and Mark are truly incredible parents and your babies are living proof of that!! I've learned that when I'm all out of answers for my "worrywort" child (bless her), all I can do is sit down and pray with her and it's incredible how by the end of our prayer time, her worries (whatever they may be on that particular day), have subsided and she feels "safe!" Watching your child being touched by the power of prayer is incredible! Love you and your beautiful family!!
