Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 275 - Sidelined

When you decide to follow a dream, try something new, or set out to accomplish a goal you would be a fool to expect that everything will go as planned and be easy. It's impossible. If God is involved He will make sure that you get something out of the experience. You just can't gain wisdom without bumps and potholes in the road. That's just how a life of faith works.

When I set out to train for this half marathon, I knew that it wouldn't be easy. Here I have been running consistently for almost 7 months, and yet that did not prepare me for this next step. Making the commitment and throwing myself into the endeavor is what is preparing me. I have hit a few bumps along the road and now a major pothole. I just passed my half way mark and I literally can't run. Pain associated with a longtime condition in my feet has totally sidelined me. It's hurts just to walk. And so I am at a crossroad. I can yell "unfair" and pout about it. "Why is this showing up now, when it has been totally fine for so long?" I can give up and say, "look I'm hurt and I can't do it. Let's face it, this whole training thing is hard work anyways." Or I can keep on moving forward with trust and faith in the process. 

Living a life of faith includes understanding the hiccups in life. That overcoming the hiccups is what makes you stronger, not just finishing the race.

I am going to the doctor this week and I fully intend on being at the starting line in November, even if I can't run until that day. I am praying that my feet will be just fine, but either way I will take the process as it comes. No complaining, no whining, and no pity parties. This is my journey and I will grab it running or sitting down. Hard work is physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. I want to put in whatever work God thinks I need the most.

Whatever it is that is sidelining you right now. Don't give up. Whatever it is that is causing frustration, tears, and pain, have faith that it's part of His process. 


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