Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 293 - Lesson on love

When things are bad I do two things. First, I eat candy and sweets. I'm not sure why, since I don't eat a lot of candy normally, but it makes me feel better. Second, I withdraw. I feel like I should be home taking care of my business at all times. I say no to things that overwhelm me, or that are not my responsibility. I even withdraw from things that are mine to do.

Over the last few days I have gotten requests to help other people. Initially in my head I said no to all of them. I can't do _____ because I have to take care of things at home. I can't do ______ because it's someone else's problem. But right away God clearly told me that my responses are not acceptable. I am not a child anymore; He has been teaching me that love is the only way to live. And the prayer by my computer enforced that.

Lord, please help me take the focus off myself and see the people around me who need my love everyday.

It's not about me, no matter what I am going through. There is always time for others, and giving my time and my attention is love. And love is life. My problems are just problems, they are temporary and purposeful. But my love is endless and when I am selfish with myself, I am losing a chance to benefit someone else.

I feel like many of the lessons God has introduced to me this year are standing right before me at this very moment. I certainly cannot deny them.


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