Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Day 129 - Don't worry

I'm a little worried about our finances right now. After all, no one wants to revisit a crisis they just pulled out of. But life is life and there are no guarantees. And yet, in the midst of my anxiety, I remembered what a dear person said to me a few days ago. I was talking about our financial position and how I was nervous about some of the what-ifs peeping their heads out at us, and she basically said, "Hey if you can get through what you did last year, you can get through anything. God provided for you, He will do it again." It's almost like I needed a little jolt to remind me how much we overcame and how intense it was. Here I am anxious about something I have already survived. I can get through whatever financial barriers come my way because I know how to do it. He gave me the skills and the faith to navigate those waters. Sometime just a little reminder can carry us a long way. I'm so grateful for her wisdom and her belief in me.

We sometimes forget how strong we are and how far we have come, don't we? What is causing you anxiety right now? What tools has God already provided you with to survive it?

So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today. -Matthew 6:34


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