Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 241 - Identity

One of the first things that was said at church this weekend is, "if you don't know who you are, you can't be happy." This whole year has been about finding myself and finding hope. Surprisingly, it's been a crazy journey and my depression kind of brought everything out into the open for me over these last few weeks. A blessing in disguise. This year is making me stronger, opening my eyes up to my life, and has made me evaluate the way people have pinned me down and tried to label me. I am accepting my weaknesses, confronting my fears, and learning to let go. It has not been an easy road and I am still in the muck of it. But God is opening my eyes to see what the journey is all about and why growing in your identity can be painful, heartbreaking, but completely necessary.

God does his deepest work in your life when he deals with your identity — who you are and the way you see yourself. -Rick Warren


1 comment:

  1. Wow, I feel like I know who I am, but I still have no idea what I am supposed to be doing with my life I can very much relate to this.
