Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 26 - God's Will

I don't know why I feel compelled to write about this tonight, but I just do. Something I have been learning about is the misuse of the term "God's will." My pastor explained to us that we cannot attribute evil or bad things to God's will. Those things are almost never God's ways, but God does allow bad things to happen because he has given us free will to do what we want and to make our own decisions. The example he used was of victims in a crash caused by a drunk driver. That crash was not God's will. The drunk driver used his free will to do something bad and the victims died because of it. That is not God's purpose for their lives. God is grieving for them just as people on earth are. But what God can do is somehow make something good come out of it, and He usually does in some small or very big way. God is still faithful.

Another book I am reading said:

"You may have dramas in your life that didn't work out the way that you wanted, but don't blame that on God. Sometimes you make your own messes. He warned us that because of sin in this world, we would have trouble. But He is still faithful." -from Big God

I don't know if our financial situation is God's will or not. I do know that He has been faithful through it all. Whether we made the mess ourselves, or if it's because of the financial mess our country is in, or if it's a part of a larger plan He has always had for me.... He has made so much good come out of it. While we are still struggling madly every single day, we are still richly blessed. While we want to cry most days at the pile of bills that we cannot pay and the headaches that come with them, we rejoice in all of the things we do have. We make the best of it. And you know what? I won't know on this earth why it all happened, but I will ask Him someday with thanksgiving.

There are so many misconceptions about God, Jesus, religion, etc. Terms like "God's will" are overused, or the belief that we become angels when we go to Heaven (angels are separate) is false. I think it's important to try and grasp these things the best that we can. Read the Bible, study the Word, try and gain more understanding. We won't know the whole truth until we see Him again, but one thing that is sure is that God is faithful in all circumstances. Just be open to seeing, receiving, and believing it, and you will have proof.

Faith and hope.


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