Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 227 - Today

Today I returned emails and dove into my life again. It feels... normal. I still feel like I have a lot of catching up to do from months of ignoring life, but do I dare say that the sun is out? I am meeting with my new therapist again this week and I am looking forward to seeing what that appointment holds. I strongly urge anyone, in any walk of life, going through any rough time, to seek professional help. It's medicine for your soul.

And so hope has entered into my life again. I am so thankful for a God that loves me enough to stay by my side these last two weeks. I may not have felt like He was there, but He certainly was. Every step of the way. And as I continue to feel better I know that He won't leave and that He will be there to help me dust myself off and love myself enough to keep moving forward on my journey of life.

I'm certain that God uses suffering to test me, to purify me, and to make me stronger, and because of that, I'm willing to stay connected to him... This is how joy and sorrow coexist. 
-from Dangerous Surrender


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