Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day 234 - 195 miles with God

Today is officially the first day of training for my half marathon in November. I have been running this whole time, but as of today I will be following a structured twelve-week program to prepare myself. On one hand I know it's going to be ridiculously difficult the further alone I go, but on the other hand I am looking forward to achieving each goal and feeling strong. I love the way my focus sets in and I don't look back.

As I prepare to really open myself up to this new journey, I realize what I am looking forward to the most is my time with God. He meets me there... on the pavement. I spend a lot of time asking Him to give me strength and asking Him for guidance. On my runs there is a lot of soul searching and clarity, which refreshes me every day. I just calculated that I will have run 195 miles from today until I finish the race. That's a lot of quality time with God.

This race is not just a test of how far I can run; it's a test of what I can do through Him who gives me strength.

I am ready - bring it on.


1 comment:

  1. This gave me chills...SOO excited to watch you accomplish such a huge goal! Run Mama, run!
