Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 229 - Hard choices

Here is what I am thinking about today...

Change is not easy. It's not easy to acknowledge that you have faults and that you need help. It's not easy to grow in character and to grow in faith. In fact, it's really really really hard. We can choose to ignore the facts in front of us and to keep going on the path of unhappiness, or we can choose to make a change, to confront our fears, and to accept our imperfections.

I am certainly on a path right now. A path I was forced, but willing to take because of my depression. And you know what? It's not fun or easy, but it's where I need to be. And at the end of the day I see all of the areas I need help in, but I also can be proud of myself and how far I have come. I can be proud that I have decided to take the harder path to make my life even better. To fix what may be broken. To give my depression and myself a fighting chance. And while the more I work on it, the more I also cry.... I can see that this path really is the one leading me down the journey that is hope.

And hope is what this year is all about.

Today I am thankful that God puts the right people in my life, to say the right things, exactly when I need to hear them. Sometimes they are hard to hear, but through love, faith, and hard work I can become a better version of me.

Sometimes the hard choices will bear the most fruit.


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