Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 28 - Change

I used to hate change. I was always so scared of what would happen when change hit my life. Of course change is scary, but change can be so good. The problem is that you just need to let go. You need to let life work itself out. You need to let the change happen instead of fight it. You need to be open to it, instead of complain about it all of the time. You need to give it a chance and see what happens. Over the last three and a half years we have had so many changes. At first it was exhausting and terrifying, but God spoke to me then to just let go, even if it was our house or my dreams. And I did. I let go when I knew I had to.

When something happens in your life that requires change, accept it, pray about it, open yourself to it. I know it's hard, devastating, scary but it's a season of your life that needs to ebb and flow. You need to go with it, see where it takes you, and learn to embrace it. Somewhere in there is a lesson, a blessing, or a part of your future.

Allowing change has given me hope and a peace that I never used to have before.


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