Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 30 - Out of the box

There was a little part spoken in church yesterday that really tugged at my heart. It wasn't the main point of the message, but I heard it and I loved it.

No one knows your full potential, not even you. Spend time in God's word to get out of the box that other people have put you in.

Don't we all feel misunderstood? One of the hardest things for me is when people see me in a completely different light from who I truly am and what I am trying to accomplish. It's so hard to know that others just don't get you. That people don't believe in you. That they have decided you are a certain way and you cannot change their perception. I don't like being in a box that someone else has put me in.

The good news is that our potential is far larger than what we can imagine, we just need to unlock it. God knows what you are capable of... but you have to use your faith and God's direction to get there. You have to change the way you are living to really grasp how far you can go. And even if you don't quite have faith in yourself, it doesn't mean it can't happen for you. Let God change your heart, your perception, and your life so that you can finally believe in yourself and see your worthiness. Because no matter who you are, what you have done, or where you are headed, you are still capable of living an amazing life full of blessings, grace, and loveliness. A life you were never able to dream of for yourself. Let God work in you and let the peace of His plans take over.

I need this.



  1. Thanks Amanda! This post was really good to hear! It is so easy to fall into the box of what others think of you.. but your reminder to spend time with God to find yourself is fantastic. Thanks heaps!
