Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 31 - Preparing

Some days are just too much. We all have been through this. The days where you face disappointment and stress continually, one right after another... all day long. Those days are so hard, and I think the hardest part about them is trying not to dwell on what has happened as the day ventures forward. You have to take each situation and not let it run into the next. I had that day yesterday. A day full of disappointments and so many burdens. Stress that brought me to my knees. I feel like God is suddenly piling it all on again. Our financial stress is high and my morale is low. But, if I have learned anything so far, it's that God can do big things in all situations and that you just have to have faith that whatever it is will somehow work out and have hope that it will eventually get better. I know I can do that. Even though time has passed, those feelings of living completely on faith are still fresh in my mind. If we could get through it then, I can get through this now. I can trust that God will see my through.

I just heard someone talk about their life and how they had an intense period of time where they were bombarded with depression, anxiety, problems, and much more. He can now see that during that time, God was preparing him to be able to handle great deals of stress and criticism so that he would be able to live the highly scrutinized and stressful life he lives right now. Of course, my life is not on that scale, but I have always felt like God has been preparing me for something else. He has put me in more than one unfavorable situation over the last few years where my character was attacked, or my life was torn open, and I had to figure out how to respond. I had to learn to change. I had to feel all of the feelings that come with intense situations. I had to decide who I was going to be.

I don't know what God has planned for me, but on the really awful days, I like to think that God is preparing me. That even in the heart breaking situations He is teaching me how to have unshakable confidence. That all of the trials and dark days are getting me ready for the new adventure he has waiting ahead.  With those thoughts, it almost makes the worst days seem bearable.  I have felt God working in me in the unhappiest time and I have hope that no loss, hurt, stress, or disappointment is in vein. I have that hope for your life too. Live even the most unfavorable days with the belief that God can use that day for good.


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