Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 47 - There are days

Every now and then there are days where I drop to my knees in front of God and say, "I get it. Thank you." Those days I am able to clear the clutter in front of my eyes to see the fragility of life. Yes, we speak of it all of the time, how fragile life is... but I don't think we really take it to heart, think about it, ponder over how delicate it is. I hear about tragedy and sadness constantly, read it in the paper, see it online, but I keep going and moving because it's not happening to me. I keep living, even if I feel sad or devastated. But every now and then something drastically hooks me and when it does I am able to see things a little more clearly. My heart changes just a little bit. My doubts, worries, and selfish ambitions are just silly scratches on my heart. Nothing is bleeding. And the fact that my family is healthy is perfection. And in those moments I fall on my knees before God and consider every moment of my life just as it is, a complete miracle. The imperfections, the brokenness, the fears.... they are gifts. They are life. My dirty floors, the stress of my workload, the deadlines that have passed, the hurt words spoken about me, they are miracles and they are life. The ugliness of my stretch marks, and the circles under my eyes are more than okay. They are all proof that I am living. To say, "things could be worse," is so cliché. But let's be real, things could be worse. So much worse. The worst of the worst. I am lucky, no wait, I am blessed, fortunate, and alive. I should want for nothing.

I get it God, thank you for Your humbling reminders.


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