Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 71 - When you feel stuck

I know I have said this before, but I don't feel like there has been a lot of progress in my life since this journey started almost a year and a half ago. A lot has changed and our journey has had highs and lows, but in general my life feels pretty stuck where it is. It's gradually getting better and we have come a long way, but it's like taking baby steps every single day. And, often it feels like a big, bright future could be years and years away. The house, the financial freedom, the completeness of what we have gone through feels like it may never happen (although I have faith and hope that it will).

It's easy to feel stuck.

And then, I heard myself talk today. I was having a conversation and someone asked me a question about what I will do about something specific in the future, and my words just start flowing. As I was saying them I could see my journey in front of me and how far I have come. I got a glimpse of small bits of wisdom that God has graciously imparted on me and I saw that I may not have come far monetarily, but emotionally and spiritually I have grown. I have jumped over those baby steps and bounded forward in understanding how to look at life differently because of all of the hurts and hardships I have endured.

When you feel stuck, when you feel depleted, when you feel like your life just won't budge, remember that God can change your life if you give it over to Him. He will bless you with prosperity and growth, it may not be the way that you want or expect, but it will be the way that lasts forever. He will change your heart and your vision for the rest of your life. That is more valuable than money, and more permanent than possessions. And while God is just starting on me, I see that He holds value in who I am and that is more important and more loving than anything I could physically want right now.

"Know also that wisdom is like honey for you: 
 If you find it, there is a future hope for you, 
 and your hope will not be cut off." 
-Proverbs 24:14 (TNIV)


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