Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 132 - God saw me through

I feel so good. I am seven pounds lighter, running five days a week, and I love cooking real, healthy meals for my family every night. Just a few months ago I hated the thought of running, I couldn't fit into my clothes, and I was tired of figuring out what to cook.

Every Saturday is my "long run" day and I run farther than I have ever run before. I can't believe that somehow in all of my mess, I found my strength again. I found my heart. I found part of someone I had lost. I actually cry when I think about it. I have missed this part of me that I thought was gone forever.

God knew.

God brought me here. I went through a lot of mud, a lot of self-hate, and a lot of tears. I forgot I had power, love, and the will to fight. But God knew because He built me this way. I know He was sad when I stopped loving myself. I was spiritually strong, but emotionally weak. And let me tell you, I only got here after going through some pretty rough times. Times of hardship, deep hurt, and a lot of criticism. I was a wreck inside, but I learned to keep getting up after every fall. I began to see that even the worst times can be used for good. Can be part of the plan. Can be a step out of the pit.

I know that I while things feel so good right now; I will have hard, bad, and difficult again. I already do. I know that no life is free from pain, but how you handle the pain makes all of the difference. I feel like I can get through anything... that I am a fighter all over again. Faith saw me through last year, and hope is seeing me through right now.

God will see me through forever.



  1. And don't forget that your parents, family and friends are always here to support you. With all of us and God, you are never alone or on your own.
    Love you,

  2. I am so happy you are running! Love it!
