Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 139 - You are going to be okay

I had a little health scare. I'm okay, just in a bit of pain. I am so thankful for good health. My little scare will keep me from running (hopefully for a short time), but I feel like I just hit a hurdle that I cannot get over. It's not about the big race coming up in June, or my running schedule that I have been on, it's about that pothole in the road... and I just hit it. We always have potholes in life, and so often right when we are flying high.

I'm already feeling a little down, a little heavier, and a little lost. Here I was on a roll.... eating great, losing weight, getting stronger every day, and running so well. And now I just feel a little empty because I have to get off of the tracks for a little bit and just stand by and watch. It's no big catastrophe, but I felt like I was finally enjoying some personal success and now I'm stuck.

So what do you do when the inevitable happens- because potholes are a part of life? What do you do when something takes you off the tracks and you want to crawl in a hole? What do you do when you are so afraid of life going back to the way it was?

You talk to God.
You have faith.
You keep hope.

And you close your ears to the negativity and sensitivity that can get you down. You thank God for the blessings, you don't overlook the good, and you let the cards fall. And, as soon as you can, you get back on that train and go full throttle. You believe that you can do it all over again and you don't give up on yourself.

Amanda, you are going to be okay. Don't let this little pothole change your course.


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness... did you write this post for me?? I love all your posts, but this one is exactly how I feel! I was doing so well with my eating, training and being healthy and the week before my Triathlon I end up having surgery! I haven't been out for a run (or a very long walk) for 5 weeks and it's driving me crazy! I feel like when I'm allowed to get back out I will be back at square one and that stinks! All my hard work gone! But I love your reminder about thanking God for the blessing even when things look like they have gone crazy! :)
    Thank you Amanda!!!
