Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 137 - On the floor

I just started reading the book Life's Healing Choices by John Baker. There is something about this passage that really connected with me.

The fact is that many of us are a mess. We're scattered all over the living-room floor, with no one to put us together and no idea where to begin the process of healing. Each of our lives is tangled up with hurts that haunt our hearts, hang-ups that cause pain, and habits that mess up our lives.

Sure, I am not scattered on the floor at this moment, but how can I not look back at the times where I was and I wanted to be fixed? It's happened before, and in my lifetime it will happen again and again. We are all messes at times and for so many different reasons. Admitting that is so freeing. I wish more people would. I know so many people who are walking around with tangled lives, and I'm not ever sure they will allow themselves to heal. They don't look sprawled out, but I know how much pain they carry. How much they want to be put back together.

I now know that in those messy times, I just need to cry out to God. That He can help heal me and guide me off the living-room floor. 

My wish is that more people would give Him a chance to untangle them too.


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